a crawlspace, where the scraps of lines and letters encountered throughout the day are stored as bookmarks for reference and later use


Bringing Higher Education back to Reality

Read Charles Murray's (Wiki) article in the Journal: College is a Waste of Time



Should I call this one... pointless?

"Once, when I was about twenty-five and not yet entirely aware of the extremity of my unclubbability, I did try to go to a writers conference. Thirty minutes into the keynote address I had a migraine. It turns out I have an aversion to cooperative endeavors of all sorts. I couldn’t imagine making a play or movie, for instance; so many people involved. I don’t like orchestral music. I don’t like team sports. I love the solitary, the hermetic, the cranky self-taught. Make mine the desert saints, the pole-sitters, the endurance cyclists, the artist who paints rocks cast from bronze so that they look exactly like the rocks they were cast from; you can’t tell the difference when they’re side by side. It took her years to do a pocketful. You just know she doesn’t go to art conferences. Certainly not zillion-strong international ones, giant wheeling circuses of panel discussions."

says Kay Ryan (poets.org; wiki), our new poet laureate, in her article, I Go to AWP.

Assessing the new poet laureate.
