This morning I had one of those rare feelings of excitement. Who knew that a good cup of coffee, a crisp bite in the air, and a cafe full of healthy, happy people could invest such a feeling of living in my vest? It could be the anticipation of a worthy challenge, or the open door of the future, or Goethe's worldly yet deeply personal verses expressed by Dr Faust that accompanied the cafe creme sitting in front of me and made me taste the very wind brushing over the cobbled streets and flying through the orange-tinted trees. despite the want of permanent lodging or any knowledge of tomorrow, i felt like grabbing the nearest violin and having my way with it. it was eternal youth that flowed through my veins just for an instant, grasping the very straws of permanence that are so often mistaken for real, live straws, straws that limit the intake of your preferred beverage; is it moderation that is so grotesque, or is it this one-sided conversation which lives without structure or direction that can turn any talk of rejuvenation into nonsense? with your best interests at heart, I will now relinquish the proverbial pen, pull up my socks and move onto my much-needed french lessons; wish me good mental health.
a crawlspace, where the scraps of lines and letters encountered throughout the day are stored as bookmarks for reference and later use
First day
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