a crawlspace, where the scraps of lines and letters encountered throughout the day are stored as bookmarks for reference and later use


Collective Nouns

So, when naming groups of items [called collective nouns], you've heard of a pride of lions, an exaltation of larks, a conspiracy of ravens and a charm of finches. ... ... How about the following?

a hassle of errands,
a magnum of hit-men,
a quarrel of lawyers,
a shortage of dwarves,
a sulk of teenagers,
a plunder of goons.
an encroachment of fence-builders.
a fascination of on-lookers/listeners.
an embellishment of fishermen.
a treachery of spies.
a thrombosis of heart specialists.
a vagary of impediments.
a minuscule of sub-atomic particles.
a conflagration of arsonists/pyromaniacs.
an assassination of gangsters.
a mixture of pharmacists.
an incantation of witches/wizards/warlocks.
a density of meatheads.
an obfuscation of philosophers/politicians/economists.
a clutch of mechanics.
a phile of lovers.
a spider of webmasters.
a clique of computer mice.
a plurality of collectives.
an enterprise of trekkies.
a 404 of lost web pages.
a ___ of nihilists.
a brace of orthodontists.
a somephony of music critics.
A clique of photographers. - Lydia Ross (lydiarossATaol.com).
A barf of bulimics. - Steph Selice (redheditorATaol.com).
A surfeit of spammers. - Peter Moore (petermoore1ATgmail.com).
A blather of bloggers. - Scott S. Zacher (scottzATnorthwestern.edu).
A contingent of understudies. - Ben Yudkin (ben_yudkinATonetel.com).
A flight of runaway brides. - Michelle Geissbuhler (goathillATcolumbus.rr.com).
A Covey of highly effective people. - Esther Krieger (estikriegerATjuno.com).
A pinch of shoplifters. - Jim Vander Woude (jvanderwoudeATmacatawa.com).
A stupor of television viewers. - Rabbi Vander Cecil (rabbiATaataa.org).
a remora of lawyers. -- (if you're not familiar, look up 'remora' - it's worth it)

via Chet Meek's Page of Puns