a crawlspace, where the scraps of lines and letters encountered throughout the day are stored as bookmarks for reference and later use


"Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?"

A great Scientific American article by Sean Carroll, who is at UofC. Definately worth a read if you are interested in time asymmetry, the origin of the universe, or cosmology in general. Excerpt:

"[The] scenario, proposed in 2004 by Jennifer Chen of the University of Chicago and me, provides a provocative solution to the origin of time asymmetry in our observable universe: we see only a tiny patch of the big picture, and this larger arena is fully time-symmetric. Entropy can increase without limit through the creation of new baby universes."

"...A striking feature of our observable cosmos—the arrow of time, arising from very low entropy conditions in the early universe—can provide us with clues about the nature of the unobservable universe."



Unknown さんのコメント...

Nic, speaking of UofC and time, I think you'd really enjoy Slaughterhouse 5